Analysis of foreign experiments on the effectiveness of polyurethane male condoms in reducing heterosexual transmission of HIV
AIDS, a very dangerous infectious disease caused by HIV infection, is often transmitted through three major methods: blood, sexual contact, and mother-to-child transmission. In terms of sexual contact transmission, it is uncertain whether polyurethane male condoms are as effective in preventing heterosexual HIV transmission as they are in preventing conception. Therefore, an overall estimate of the effectiveness of condoms in preventing HIV is needed.
1. Experimental methods.
Information on polyurethane condom use and HIV serology was obtained from 25 published studies of serodiscordant heterosexual couples. Polyurethane condom use was categorized as always (in 100% of intercourse acts), sometimes (1-99%, 0-99%, or 1-100%), or never (0%). Studies were stratified by design, direction of transmission, and polyurethane condom use group. The effectiveness of polyurethane male condoms was calculated based on HIV transmission rates among those who used and never used polyurethane male condoms.
2. Experimental results.
For those who always used polyurethane male condoms, the HIV incidence rate was consistently 0.9 cases per 100 person-years (95% confidence interval, 0.4-1.8) across the 12 cohort samples. For the 11 never-used cohort samples, the estimated incidence rates were 6.8 per 100 person-years (95% confidence interval, 4.4-10.1) for male-to-female transmission, 5.9 per 100 (95% confidence interval, 1.5-15.1) for female-to-male transmission, and 6.7 per 100 (95% confidence interval, 4.5- 9.6). In general, the effectiveness of polyurethane male condoms to prevent HIV transmission was estimated at 87% but may be as low as 60% or as high as 96%.
3. Conclusion.
Consistent use of polyurethane male condoms protects against HIV. The level of protection approximates 87%, the range of which depends on the incidence among those who do not use polyurethane male condoms. Thus, the efficacy of the polyurethane condom in reducing heterosexual transmission may be comparable to or slightly less than its efficacy in preventing pregnancy.
4. other.
This cross-sectional and longitudinal study examined the overall effectiveness of polyurethane male condoms in reducing heterosexual transmission of HIV. Data on polyurethane condom use and HIV serology were obtained from 25 published studies of serodiscordant heterosexual couples. Polyurethane condom use was rated as "always" (in 100% of intercourse acts), "sometimes" (1-99%, 0-99%, or 1-100%), or "never" (0%). Studies were stratified by design, direction of transmission, and polyurethane condom use group. The efficacy of polyurethane male condoms was calculated based on HIV transmission rates among always and never users. Results showed a consistent HIV incidence rate of 0.9/100 person-years for the 12 cohort samples. For the 11 never-used cohort samples, the male-to-female transmission rate was estimated at 6.8 per 100 person-years, and the female-to-male transmission rate was 5.9 per 100 person-years. Overall, the effectiveness of polyurethane male condoms in preventing HIV transmission was estimated at 87%, but it may vary between 60% and 96%.
The above is an analysis of foreign experiments on the effectiveness of polyurethane male condoms in reducing heterosexual HIV transmission. If you need more detailed information, welcome to contact us!