Tips for using latex free polyurethane condoms

 21/10/2022| View:1058
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Tips for using latex free polyurethane condoms

Nowadays, latex free polyurethane condoms are still popular, and most people are beginning to accept these condoms, but when using latex free polyurethane condoms, what should we pay attention to?


Whether you want to try latex free polyurethane condoms or you are allergic to latex, here are a few things to keep in mind:


1. Latex free polyurethane condoms do not stretch well enough

Polyurethane does not stretch. Therefore, if you choose latex free polyurethane condoms, you can try out larger sizes.


2. Latex free polyurethane condoms break more easily

If the condom doesn't fit, it's more likely to break (especially if it's too tight) . Polyurethane is not as strong as latex. Get Together


latex free polyurethane condoms

These latex free polyurethane condoms are great, but they're also great because:


1. They are hypoallergenic to people who are allergic to latex.

2. They do not fail when using lubricants.

3. They're thinner.

4. They also have a looser, more comfortable fit.

5. They don't smell.

6. They have a long shelf life.


So that's the thing about latex free polyurethane condoms. Although latex free polyurethane condoms are rarer and harder to buy than latex condoms, it's not something you need to worry about because we're the manufacturer of latex free polyurethane condoms, you can contact us if you need anything.