Latex free polyurethane condoms in the future

 22/07/2021| View:1325
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Latex free polyurethane condoms in the future

In 1998, Japan Sagami Industry Co., Ltd., which has been trying to develop condoms with new materials, selected waterborne polyurethane (hereinafter referred to as polyurethane) to manufacture the first latex free polyurethane condoms. They found that the condom showed a strong tenacity in tearing, and had a very comfortable skin feeling when applied to human skin. In addition, this condom does not contain natural latex and will not cause allergic reactions among latex allergic people. Subsequently, they officially launched this condom product on the market. Unexpectedly, once the condom product named Sagami original was listed, it was very popular, soon occupied a place in the market, and made Sagami one of the top brands of pregnancy avoidance condoms in Japan.

Latex free polyurethane condoms in the future

Later, in order to avoid monopoly punishment, Sagami transferred the technology of latex free polyurethane condoms to Okamoto Co., Ltd. in Japan. Okamoto also used this material to manufacture qualified condom products, and promoted the thickness of this commodity to the super thinness of 0.018mm! A research organization in the United States once claimed that for every 0.01mm reduction in the thickness of a condom, the user's pleasure can be increased by 20%. Therefore, this kind of really ultra-thin products, soon swept the world, became the top flagship of ultra-thin condoms. Besides, since the phase mold developed this latex free polyurethane condoms, this kind of product has never been cheap. The thickness of 002 polyurethane condom is about 1.5 times that of 001 polyurethane condom, but the price of 001 polyurethane condom is much higher than that of 002 polyurethane condom. It can be concluded that condoms have never been priced according to the amount of materials used. Only the technical content can determine the price of a condom! In the past 20 years after the latex free polyurethane condoms was listed, this kind of condom has been monopolizing China's high-end condom market, so the price is high. Over the past two decades, Chinese condom manufacturers have been constantly trying to catch up. It was not until 2017 that Zhongchuan successfully developed the first latex free polyurethane condoms made in China.

So it is still a fact that latex free polyurethane condoms are more expensive. However, with the expansion of the production scale of domestic factories, the price of latex free polyurethane condoms will come down sooner or later.