How to use use sterilized latex surgical gloves?

 02/08/2023| View:1753
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How to use use sterilized latex surgical gloves?

Sterilized latex surgical gloves is one of the important protective measures for medical staff. In the correct way, it can not only protect the health of medical staff, but also avoid cross infection between patients. How to wear sterilized latex surgical gloves correctly, let's learn it!

How to use use sterilized latex surgical gloves?

Correct use of sterilized latex surgical gloves

According to the needs of different operations, appropriate types and specifications of gloves should be selected.

1. Clean gloves should be worn when contacting patients' blood, body fluids, secretions, excreta, vomit and contaminated articles.

2. Sterile gloves should be worn when carrying out aseptic operation such as operation or contacting patients' damaged skin and mucous membrane.

Gloves should be removed in the following cases (indication of gloves removal)

1. Gloves are damaged or suspected to be damaged.

2. After contacting blood, body fluid, damaged skin and mucous membrane and after operation.

3. After contacting the patient and the surrounding environment or contaminated body parts.

4. Hand hygiene indication.

How to use sterilized latex surgical gloves

Methods of wearing sterile gloves: choose the appropriate size of sterile gloves; Check the expiration date on the outer packing of gloves; Check whether the outer packing is tight; Wash hands or disinfect surgical hands before wearing sterile gloves; Open the glove bag; Lift the opening of the pocket with one hand, hold the folded part of the glove (inside of the glove) with the other hand and take out the glove; Aim at five fingers and put them on; In the same way, lift the other bag mouth, insert the finger of the sterile glove into the inside of the flanging of the other glove, put the glove on, then cover the flanging part of the glove, put the hands together, and adjust the position of the glove cross.

Methods of removing sterile gloves: take off the gloves by holding the edge of the contaminated surface of the other glove with the gloved hand, hold the gloves with the gloved hand, hold the edge of the clean surface (inner surface) of the other glove with the gloved hand, take off the gloves, hold the inside of the gloves and throw them into the medical waste container. Wash hands after taking off the sterile gloves.

Precautions for wearing sterilized latex surgical gloves

1. The use of gloves can not replace hand hygiene.

2. Hand hygiene should be carried out before and after wearing sterile gloves.

3. When the gloves are damaged, hand hygiene should be carried out before replacing the new gloves.

4. Do not wear the same pair of gloves when nursing or treating more than one patient.

5. When wearing gloves for nursing or diagnosis and treatment, gloves should be replaced when moving from the contaminated part (including incomplete skin, mucous membrane or implanted medical equipment) of the same patient to the clean part.

Common mistakes of sterilized latex surgical gloves

1. Touch the clean surface (inner surface) of the gloves when wearing sterile gloves.

2. Wear gloves to answer the phone, write, type, etc.

3. The gloves were not changed between different patients.

4. Not washing hands before wearing gloves and after taking off gloves.