Do you fit polyurethane male condoms?

 24/06/2021| View:1419
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Do you fit polyurethane male condoms?

Polyurethane male condoms is a male condom made of polyurethane - a thin, transparent plastic. This contraceptive method has been approved by FDA as an effective method to prevent pregnancy and protect you from sexually transmitted diseases. Polyurethane male condoms are usually thinner, stronger and not as tight as latex condoms. As a result, they can help increase sexual sensitivity. Many men say they like the feel and look of polyurethane male condoms rather than latex condoms.

Do you fit polyurethane male condoms?


Polyurethane male condoms transfer heat better than other condoms. This feeling of warmth can help increase pleasure.

They protect you from both pregnancy and many STDs.

If you or your partner is allergic to latex, polyurethane male condoms are a good alternative to condoms.

Unlike other condoms, polyurethane male condoms are available in both male and female versions.



Polyurethane male condoms are usually more expensive than latex and polyisoprene condoms.

Because they are less elastic and looser than latex condoms, polyurethane male condoms are at greater risk of falling off or breaking during intercourse. The use of some extra lubrication may help to reduce this risk

Because their bodies are more relaxed, if you have strong or powerful sex, these condoms may not be the best choice.


In general, studies comparing polyurethane male condoms with latex condoms show that, in general, both men and women prefer polyurethane male condoms to latex condoms. The results also show that: 1

Men feel more uncomfortable using latex condoms (complaining that they are too tight), but some men find polyurethane male condoms too loose.

Polyurethane male condoms allow for greater stimulation and less penile contraction.

Both men and women feel more sensitive when using polyurethane male condoms.

People seem to prefer the smell of polyurethane and latex condoms and find lubricants less confusing.

Polyurethane male condoms seem more difficult to deploy than latex condoms.

Do you fit polyurethane male condoms?

Although latex condoms may be more effective than polyurethane male condoms, if used, the overall pregnancy risk is similar to other contraceptive measures. polyurethane male condoms have been rigorously tested the same as all condoms and meet FDA safety standards. If you are allergic or sensitive to latex, polyurethane male condoms provide you with an excellent alternative to latex condoms. Many couples prefer to use these condoms and are very satisfied with them. If you think latex condoms are too restrictive, you may prefer a looser polyurethane male condoms. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with the use of latex condoms, it may be worth taking the time to try polyurethane male condoms to see if you can find a suitable condom for you.